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Welcome beautiful,

I am so honoured to have you here. As a woman with a big heart, doing what I love, while positively contributing to your world. My absolute soul mission is to help you build unwavering confidence and belief in yourself. Wouldn't it be great to wake up every day knowing you love being you?

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The most anticipated book of the year is here.




Have you ever felt shame for your body? 


Picked out certain parts of your body just wishing they looked like someone else? 


Stopped yourself fully enjoying life because you were having an off day?


Ever felt that you truly couldn’t love yourself or your physical form because you’ve been told it’s not good enough? 


Well Body Beautiful is here to help you overcome these physical pains and shame you have for yourself and give you full permission to bloom. This is not you typical confidence book, this goes much deeper and to the core of it all.


So, here awaits phase one of my legacy to you. 


I'm so inspired about what your growth is going to be with my book and so excited for what you are going to discover with what I share in these beautiful pages.


"The must have book to read this year!"

My Heart-Filled Mission:
I know you deserve to feel confident, full of self-esteem and to have a supportive mindset to achieve your dreams.

Let's work magic together?

Start your transformation today!

 I am your: Heart-filled talking, positive empowerment, pump-you-up bestie you ever had.

Pink Smoke
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Self-Worth Society

Want a haven where you can really uncover and realign to your true self? Want to live everyday happy about who you are and what you are here to do? Want to love yourself a little bit more and have you actions be in utter alignment?


The Self-Worth Society is everything you need to harness the power of your mind to truly embody the wisdom of your souls true purpose. This powerful society is full of self-help resources to support to you embrace the incredible gift you are and get radiate confidence to achieve your dreams and feel good about being you.


It's a haven of ebooks and mindset sessions all created to boost your self-worth and self-confidence and have you love being you. 



Lucky Girl Program

Have you ever wondered why some woman always seem to get what they desire?


I know you are a powerfully awakened woman, here to create massive shifts towards living a life you truely admire. But you feel stuck like you can't quite get there. You may be always self-sabotaging or have habits that are keeping you in level 100 comfort zone. You have big dreams but feel overwhelmed on where to begin. 

Well, my love I'm here to help! Imagine a life of freedom and joy while you easily take action towards your dreams, bouncing out of bed excited for what the day will bring and feeling like your truly living your souls true calling with a self-belief foundation that is unshakeable. Sounds great doesn't it! I invite you to learn more about my Lucky Girl Program.




My name is Suzzi Hartery, I'm a Self-Empowerment & IIN Health Coach, Mindset Guru and BHSc Naturopath here to help you feel confident, full of self-esteem and to have a supportive mindset to achieve your dreams. I guide women from all over the world on how to take back control of their life, master their mindset, smash through limiting beliefs and karate chop self-doubt.


I integrate everyday well-being techniques to bring a deeper sense of connecting to yourself and an opportunity for healing, happiness, and abundance. 

It’s my soul's purpose to guide you to embrace your inner wisdom, support you to fully bloom and step into your desires - with a full heart and road map - owning who you came Here to Be. 


I love guiding women on the empowering path of inner awareness to create a magnificent life. My favourite tools include working with the subconscious and activating one of the most powerful Laws in the Universe: The Law of Action


I do this by providing a safe haven for you with compassion, kindness & joy by practicing the art of self-empowerment with a dash of self-development integration tools.


I'm delighted to support you beautiful, thank you for being here.

my love,

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From my heart to yours!

Empowerment Starter Kit

Join my love filled mailing list for a dose of empowerment & special offers...


+ instant access to my Ultimate Guide to Angel Numbers, Inner Friend Journal & a FREE Miracle Morning essential mindset track & mini e-course series to bust through fear towards love for yourself and your dreams. 

Empowering energy straight to your inbox

Yaaas Beautiful ~ Goodies are on their way!

Freebie Goodness

Success Stories

"I have been listening to the self-hypnosis inside the Self-Worth Society every morning as soon as I open my eyes for the last 3 weeks and I’ve seen radical shifts in the way I treat & manage so many aspects of my life now and even the actions I’ve done have seen me call in money and my dream job. I’m AMAZED at the results and my own transformation in just 3 weeks! Thank you so much!"

Jackie, 29

The Latest

Empowerment - Confidence - Dreams - Achievement - Happiness

So excited for you beautiful! Gifts are on their way to you now!

Working with Woman is one of the greatest joys, accomplishments & splendors of my life.


I can't wait to welcome you to enjoy these past Woman’s Empowerment Classes weaving between topics of Vibrational Alignment & Powerful Mindset Upgrades all with the commonality of empowering you to step into your greatest & most beautiful expression of confidence & self peace.


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Final heart-filled message: "With a deep commitment to empowering others to become the best version of themselves, I believe that transformation is possible for everyone. I strive to inspire others to reclaim their power, step into their truth, live with intention, and move in the direction of their dreams. Doing what feels good and right for you. I'd love to help you get started on your journey today." ~ Suzzi

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